The Frontend React App is automatically deployed using GitHub Action Workflows.
Workflow Flow Chart
flowchart TD
Push[Push to Pull Request] --> CheckPullRequestStatus{Pull Requst Status == };
CheckPullRequestStatus -->|opened| CreateComment;
CheckPullRequestStatus -->|synchronized| UpdateCommentRunning;
CheckPullRequestStatus -->|closed| DeleteAzureSLot;
UpdateCommentRunning[Update PR Comment: 'Deployment Running'] --> RunBuild
CreateComment[Create PR Comment: 'Creating Deployment'] --> CreateAzureSlot
RunBuild[Run react build] --> DownloadBuildArtifact
CreateAzureSlot[Create Azure Deployment Slot] --> RunBuild;
DeleteAzureSLot[Delete Azure Deployment Slot] --> UpdateCommentDeleted;
DownloadBuildArtifact[Download build artifact form build job] --> DeployToAzureAppService
DeployToAzureAppService[Deploy build artifact to Azure App Service] --> UpdateCommentDone
UpdateCommentDone[Update PR Comment: 'Deployment Finished'] --> Finish;
UpdateCommentDeleted[Update PR Comment: 'Deployment Deleted'] --> Finish;
Example workflow run in GitHub
Opened Workflow:
Closed Workflow: